A lot of my research is based around developing and testing heuristic algorithms for various computation problems, in particular, I try to develop and adapt vector-packing based heuristics for scheduling virtual machines in distributed heterogeneous environments.
Toward this end, I've spent a fair amount of time investigating the large data trace released by google in 2011. The trace is available through Google Cloud Storage, and can be downloaded using the gsutil utility, which can be installed in a python virtual environment via pypi/pip. I want to be able to use this trace to generate synthetic problem instances to use to test my heuristics.
If you spot any mistakes or errors in my code then please leave a comment or email me.
from os import listdir, chdir
print listdir('.')
The trace directory includes a number of sub-directories, each of which in turn is populated by some number of csv (comma separated values) files. These files have names like part-XXXXX-of-YYYYY.csv.gz, so should really be considered part of a continuous data stream. The values contained in the files for each directory file are described in the documentation and the schema.csv file. In places where they conflict schema.csv takes precedence.
According to both the documentation and schema.csv, the task event csv files contain the fields 'time', 'missing info', 'job ID', 'task index', 'machine_id', 'event type', 'user', 'scheduling class', 'priority', 'cpu request', 'memory request', 'disk space request', 'different machines restriction'. The most important for my purposes are probably 'time', 'event type', 'cpu request', and 'memory request'. The 'job ID' and 'task index' fields are needed to keep track of the evolution of a given task over time. The 'disk space request' field sounds interesting, but note that there is no corresponding disk-space field for a particular machine. The 'different machines restriction' field looks interesting, but I'm going to ignore it for now.
The first thing to observe is that it's not possible using this schema to simply look up the characteristics of a single task, or group of tasks. Rather, it's necessary to simulate the execution of the trace from the beginning (timestamp = 0) to a particular moment in time, and then one can investigate the state of only the tasks that are currently executing at that moment in time.
Now, we know the content of the files is arranged in simple chronological order, and we know that the first moment in the trace occurs at timestamp 0, so to find the last moment we can simply look for the last event in the last file. The python data analysis library makes loading compressed csv files from disk and working with column-oriented data relatively simple.
print sorted(listdir('task_events'))[-1]
from pandas import read_csv
from os import path
task_events_csv_colnames = ['time', 'missing', 'job_id', 'task_idx', 'machine_id', 'event_type', 'user', 'sched_cls',
'priority', 'cpu_requested', 'mem_requested', 'disk', 'restriction']
task_event_df = read_csv(path.join('task_events', 'part-00499-of-00500.csv.gz'), header=None, index_col=False,
compression='gzip', names=task_events_csv_colnames)
print max(task_event_df['time'])
So, the last event timestamp is 250619902822.
Since the trace is very large, it would be difficult to analyse the whole thing at once. What I propose to do instead is to define a sample of moments from which to collect statistics, primarily requested utilization, as well as a single moment in time for which to capture all of the information available about running tasks at that moment for further analysis.
from random import randint, sample, seed
sample_moments = sorted(sample(xrange(250619902823), 200))
snapshot_moment = randint(0, 250619902822)
print snapshot_moment
from collections import OrderedDict
from pandas import DataFrame
tasks_dict = {}
samples_dicts = OrderedDict([])
sample_moments_iterator = iter(sample_moments)
current_sample_moment = next(sample_moments_iterator)
tasks_df = None
# Not the most elegant code I've ever written...
for fn in sorted(listdir('task_events')):
fp = path.join('task_events', fn)
task_events_df = read_csv(fp, header=None, index_col=False, compression='gzip',
for index, event in task_events_df.iterrows():
if current_sample_moment is not None and event['time'] > current_sample_moment:
tmp_tasks_df = DataFrame(tasks_dict.values())
samples_dicts[current_sample_moment] = ({'time' : current_sample_moment,
'cpu_requested' : sum(tmp_tasks_df['cpu_requested']),
'mem_requested' : sum(tmp_tasks_df['mem_requested'])})
current_sample_moment = next(sample_moments_iterator)
except StopIteration:
current_sample_moment = None
if tasks_df is None and event['time'] > snapshot_moment:
tasks_df = DataFrame(tasks_dict.values())
if event['event_type'] in [0, 7, 8]:
tasks_dict[(event['job_id'], event['task_idx'])] = {'task_id' : (event['job_id'], event['task_idx']),
'machine_id' : event['machine_id'],
'cpu_requested' : event['cpu_requested'],
'mem_requested' : event['mem_requested']}
elif event['event_type'] in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]:
del tasks_dict[(event['job_id'], event['task_idx'])]
if tasks_df is not None and current_sample_moment is None:
samples_df = DataFrame(samples_dicts.values())
print tasks_df
print samples_df
Whew! That took a while to load...
Now we can do some plotting of cpu and memory requested with matplotlib.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], samples_df['cpu_requested'], label='cpu requested')
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], samples_df['mem_requested'], label='mem requested')
plt.xlim(min(samples_df['time']), max(samples_df['time']))
We can use the same technique to collect information about machine events. From the documentation, or by looking in the 'schema.csv' file, we know that the csv files in this directory have five fields: time, machine ID, event type, platform ID, cpu capacity, and memory capacity. The event type is an integer, 0, 1, 2, with values meaning that a machine has been ADDED (0), REMOVED (1), or UPDATED (2). Fortunately, this directory only contains 1 file, rather than 500, so the code runs much more quickly this time around:
machines_dict = {}
sample_moments_iterator = iter(sample_moments)
current_sample_moment = next(sample_moments_iterator)
machines_df = None
machine_events_csv_colnames=['time', 'machine_id', 'event_type', 'platform_id', 'cpu', 'mem']
for fn in sorted(listdir('machine_events')):
fp = path.join('machine_events', fn)
machine_events_df = read_csv(fp, header=None, index_col=False, compression='gzip', names=machine_events_csv_colnames)
for index, event in machine_events_df.iterrows():
if current_sample_moment is not None and event['time'] > current_sample_moment:
tmp_machines_df = DataFrame(machines_dict.values())
samples_dicts[current_sample_moment].update({'cpu_available' : sum(tmp_machines_df['cpu']),
'mem_available' : sum(tmp_machines_df['mem'])})
current_sample_moment = next(sample_moments_iterator)
except StopIteration:
current_sample_moment = None
if machines_df is None and event['time'] > snapshot_moment:
machines_df = DataFrame(machines_dict.values())
if event['event_type'] in [0, 2]:
machines_dict[event['machine_id']] = {'machine_id' : event['machine_id'],
'cpu' : event['cpu'], 'mem' : event['mem']}
elif event['event_type'] in [1]:
del machines_dict[event['machine_id']]
if machines_df is not None and current_sample_moment is None:
machines_df = DataFrame(machines_dict.values())
samples_df = DataFrame(samples_dicts.values())
print machines_df
print samples_df
Okay, that's much more reasonable. Now we can graph how much was requested vs how much was available:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], samples_df['cpu_requested'], label='cpu requested')
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], samples_df['cpu_available'], label='cpu available')
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], samples_df['mem_requested'], label='mem requested')
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], samples_df['mem_available'], label='mem available')
plt.xlim(min(samples_df['time']), max(samples_df['time']))
So, while demand varies up and down among tasks that have been submitted to the system, availablity remains fairly constant. Demand for memory and cpu stay above availability fairly consistently, with some notable dips for memory.
An important question to ask is how well the scheduler used by google, which is based on a "cost" model, does at allocating resources. To find this out, we can look at the files in the 'task_usage' directory. These files have a slightly different schema, since they represent measurements taken at intervals by monitoring software. Each line has the fields 'start time', 'end time', 'job id', 'task index', 'machine id', 'mean CPU usage', 'canonical memory usage', 'assigned memory', 'unmapped page cache memory usage', 'page cache memory usage', 'maximum memory usage', 'mean disk I/O time', 'maximum disk space used', 'max CPU usage', 'max disk I/O time', 'cycles per instruction', 'memory accesses per instruction', 'sampling rate', and 'aggregation type'. The documentation suggests using the 'mean CPU usage' and 'canonical memory usage' for any modeling, and so these are the values that we will primarily be interested in.
Since the observations in this file can potentially overlap, rather than occurring in a strictly ordered sequence in time, we need to adopt a slightly different technique to read in the data.
task_usage_csv_colnames=['starttime', 'endtime', 'job_id', 'task_idx', 'machine_id', 'cpu_usage', 'mem_usage',
'assigned_mem', 'unmapped_cache_usage', 'page_cache_usage', 'max_mem_usage', 'disk_io_time',
'max_disk_space', 'max_cpu_usage', 'max_disk_io_time', 'cpi', 'mai', 'sampling_rate', 'agg_type']
for moment in samples_dicts:
samples_dicts[moment].update({'cpu_usage' : 0.0, 'mem_usage' : 0.0})
for task in tasks_dict:
tasks_dict[task].update({'cpu_usage' : 0.0, 'mem_usage' : 0.0, 'in_events' : True, 'in_usage' : False})
for fn in sorted(listdir('task_usage')):
fp = path.join('task_usage', fn)
task_usage_df = read_csv(fp, header=None, index_col=False, compression='gzip', names=task_usage_csv_colnames)
laststart = max(task_usage_df['starttime'])
if laststart > max(sample_moments) and laststart > snapshot_moment:
for moment in samples_dicts:
task_usage_moment_df = task_usage_df[(task_usage_df['starttime'] <= moment) &
(moment <= task_usage_df['endtime'])]
samples_dicts[moment]['cpu_usage'] += sum(task_usage_moment_df['cpu_usage'])
samples_dicts[moment]['mem_usage'] += sum(task_usage_moment_df['mem_usage'])
task_usage_snapshot_df = task_usage_df[(task_usage_df['starttime'] <= snapshot_moment) &
(snapshot_moment <= task_usage_df['endtime'])]
for index, usage in task_usage_snapshot_df.iterrows():
task_id = (usage['job_id'], usage['task_idx'])
if task_id in tasks_dict:
tasks_dict[task_id].update({'cpu_usage' : usage['cpu_usage'], 'mem_usage' : usage['mem_usage'],
'in_events': True, 'in_usage' : True})
tasks_dict[task_id] = {'cpu_requested' : 0.0, 'mem_requested' : 0.0,
'cpu_usage' : usage['cpu_usage'], 'mem_usage' : usage['mem_usage'],
'in_events' : False, 'in_usage' : True}
samples_df = DataFrame(samples_dicts.values())
print samples_df
tasks_df = DataFrame(tasks_dict.values())
print tasks_df
Now we can put demand, availability, and actual utilization on the same graphs. For the sake of clarity, we'll do a separate graph for each of cpu and memory.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], samples_df['cpu_requested'], label='cpu requested')
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], samples_df['cpu_available'], label='cpu available')
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], samples_df['cpu_usage'], label='cpu usage')
plt.xlim(min(samples_df['time']), max(samples_df['time']))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], samples_df['mem_requested'], label='mem requested')
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], samples_df['mem_available'], label='mem available')
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], samples_df['mem_usage'], label='mem usage')
plt.xlim(min(samples_df['time']), max(samples_df['time']))
It may be more informative to present these as relative percentages:
demand_pct = [100.0 * cpur / cpua for cpur, cpua in zip(samples_df['cpu_requested'], samples_df['cpu_available'])]
usage_pct = [100.0 * cpuu / cpua for cpuu, cpua in zip(samples_df['cpu_usage'], samples_df['cpu_available'])]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], demand_pct, label='cpu % demand')
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], usage_pct, label='cpu % usage')
plt.xlim(min(samples_df['time']), max(samples_df['time']))
demand_pct = [100.0 * memr / mema for memr, mema in zip(samples_df['mem_requested'], samples_df['mem_available'])]
usage_pct = [100.0 * memu / mema for memu, mema in zip(samples_df['mem_usage'], samples_df['mem_available'])]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], demand_pct, label='mem % demand')
ax.plot(samples_df['time'], usage_pct, label='mem % usage')
plt.xlim(min(samples_df['time']), max(samples_df['time']))
So, while demand for cpu and memory tends to hang out around slightly over 100%, actual usage tends to hover closer to 40%--slightly under for CPU and slightly over for memory. I suppose you could argue that memory usage hovers closer to 50%, but still, it seems like a majority of both resources available is remaining unused. This observation seems consistent with the findings in the technical report by Reiss et al..
Now, there are some legitimate questions as to weather or not this is an appropriate trace to use to develop a model of "typical" cloud workloads--the tasks processed by google may be strongly idiosyncratic for any number of reasons--, but it does seem to be the best thing we have available for the moment. There are more mundane problems with the trace as well...clearly some of the data is missing or, in the case of utilization, inaccurate. For example, there are tasks present in the usage tables that are not present in the events tables, and vice versa.
print tasks_df
print "neither events nor usage:", len(tasks_df[(tasks_df['in_events'] == False) & (tasks_df['in_usage'] == False)])
print "usage, but not events:", len(tasks_df[(tasks_df['in_events'] == False) & (tasks_df['in_usage'] == True)])
print "events, but not usage:", len(tasks_df[(tasks_df['in_events'] == True) & (tasks_df['in_usage'] == False)])
print "both usage and events:", len(tasks_df[(tasks_df['in_events'] == True) & (tasks_df['in_usage'] == True)])
Also, a lot of the actual request or usage data that is present seems inaccurate or misleading in some way, usually since missing or unspecified values may show up as 0.
tasks_df[tasks_df['in_events'] == True]['cpu_requested'].hist()
tasks_df[tasks_df['in_events'] == True]['mem_requested'].hist()
tasks_df[tasks_df['in_usage'] == True]['cpu_usage'].hist()
tasks_df[tasks_df['in_usage'] == True]['mem_usage'].hist()
Now, the using the usage data for task modeling is problematic for a few reasons beyond the fact that some of it may be missing or inaccurate. Since the usage of a given task depends non only on the characteristics of that task itself, but also on the performance of other tasks in the same job--since they may depend on one another--, and on the resource usage of other tasks scheduled to the same machine.
Resources requested isn't ideal either--user estimates for required resources are generally inaccurate--but it's a place to start. We can also filter out all of the "zero" requests, since these wouldn't affect vector packing algorithms directly anyway.
tasks_nonzero_df = tasks_df[(tasks_df['cpu_requested'] > 0.0) & (tasks_df['mem_requested'] > 0.0)]
print tasks_nonzero_df
print min(tasks_nonzero_df['cpu_requested']), max(tasks_nonzero_df['cpu_requested'])
print min(tasks_nonzero_df['mem_requested']), max(tasks_nonzero_df['mem_requested'])
Even given the nonzero requirement, it seems like a majority of tasks appear 'very small'.
Machine characteristics look a little more like what we might expect.
print machines_df['cpu'].hist()
print machines_df['mem'].hist()
print min(machines_df['cpu']), max(machines_df['cpu'])
print min(machines_df['mem']), max(machines_df['mem'])
It's interesting to consider the apparent density of tasks--that is, the task/machine ratio.
print len(tasks_nonzero_df), len(machines_df), float(len(tasks_nonzero_df)) / len(machines_df)
Even when removing all of the tasks with zero cpu or memory requrements the density remains over 11 tasks per machine.
Most of the researchers who have studied the trace have concluded that the distribution of task resource requirements is not easy to model statistically, and have suggested sampling as a way of deriving synthetic datasets. So, what I plan on doing is, for each synthetic problem set selecting a random moment in time, building up a collection of the currently running tasks and currently available machines, filtering out the tasks with zero requirements for cpu/memory, and then sampling from this data set to get a vector packing problem with a density of 12 tasks/machine. I'll try out some basic packing algorithms, see how they perform, and then proceed from there. One thing all of this tinkering with the dataset has made clear is that the currently available data is not ideal, and that the community would really benefit from more systematic collection of this type of data.